Acheron Pte. Ltd. is incorporated under the laws of Singapore (company number 201936789K) and provides market making services to professional clients. Our services are not available and shall not be provided to entities located, incorporated, or otherwise established in, or to a citizen or resident of the United States of America, as well as sanctioned jurisdictions. Acheron Pte. Ltd. is currently not licensed or regulated by any regulatory authority and clients may not benefit from the protection usually provided when trading with regulated entities such as compensation schemes or funds.
Acheron Pte. Ltd. has been granted with a temporary exemption from holding a license under the Payment Services Act 2019 (“PSA”) in Singapore. Therefore, we are allowed to continue to provide certain payment services caught under the expanded scope of regulated activities under the PSA, pending the submission of our license application to the Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”) and while our application is under the review of the MAS.
The information provided on this website is for information purposes only and does not constitute investment advice with respect to any assets, including but not being limited to, commodities and digital assets. This website and its contents are not directed to, or intended, in any way, for distribution to or use by, any person or entity resident in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution, publication, availability or use would be contrary to local laws or regulations. Certain legal restrictions or considerations may apply to you, and you are advised to consult with your legal, tax and other professional advisors prior to contracting with us.
The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) requires Acheron Pte. Ltd. to provide this risk warning to you as a customer of a digital payment token (DPT) service provider.
Before you:
(a) pay or transfer your DPT service provider any money or DPT;
(b) enter into an agreement with a third party to buy or sell DPTs upon inducement by your DPT service provider;
(c) enter into an agreement with a third party under an arrangement by your DPT service provider for the transmission of DPTs;
(d) pay a third party any money or DPT under an arrangement by your DPT service provider for the transmission of DPTs; or
(e) transfer any digital payment token instrument to your DPT service provider,
you should be aware of the following.
Your DPT service provider is exempted by MAS from holding a licence to provide DPT services. Please note that you may not be able to recover all the money or DPTs you paid to your DPT service provider, or any other third party referred to above, if your DPT service provider’s or the third party’s business fails.
You should not transact in the DPT if you are not familiar with this DPT. This includes how the DPT is created, and how the DPT you intend to transact is transferred or held by your DPT service provider.
You should be aware that the value of DPTs may fluctuate greatly. You should buy DPTs only if you are prepared to accept the risk of losing all of the money you put into such tokens.
You should be aware that your DPT service provider, as part of its licence to provide DPT services, may offer services related to DPTs which are promoted as having a stable value, commonly known as “stablecoin”.